How do you celebrate life?

appreciation celebrate life dreams self-worth Jun 11, 2018

Or better yet, when do I celebrate life?

This is the question that was on my mind when I got up this morning.

My first honest answer in my head was - food.

Not the one I liked best ;)

And not fully true anymore too.

I was raised in a household where appreciation for the work you´ve done got rewarded in going out for dinner. 

This program has been well established in my life.

By now it has grown into more though.

I won´t say that I do not reward myself with food anymore because that is simply not true. It has changed though.

I have introduced other ways of celebrating and enjoying life.

Such as you can see in my picture. Giving in into the little child within me. Just running to the waterfront despite of the thunderstorm coming and making some silly pictures while the wind is playing with my hair.

These are moments where I feel alive. And appreciative of my life. Where I feel vibrant and alive.

Are you allowing and creating moments like this in your life? On purpose and on a constant basis?

For me it´s also about training myself to be constantly present. To fully enjoy and immerse myself in whatever experience it is.

This is what makes our lives worthwhile.

Feeling fully alive, vibrant, present, thankful and whole. In these moments nothing is missing and everything is just exactly right as it it. 

And I know, that I can do more of it. Do you?

How do you celebrate your small victories in the course of a day? 

I tend to overlook them- sort of "nice- now that´s done. What´s next?"  Reality is, in doing that I skip one of the most beautiful parts of my journey. Celebrating it. And the steps that I take forward. And in doing that I take something from myself. Which causes me to feel lack and to feel stuck in a wheel of always new goals, new things, new situations.

So my goal for the next weeks is to appreciate life more, to appreciate what I learn and achieve more. To celebrate life to a degree that I have never experienced before.

Are you in with me?

How do you want to celebrate your life and your successes more?

What are things that you are already doing that you can share with all of us? Please share them below.

So we together can create a more vibrant life for ourselves.

Beginning to recognize what it is that we have already accomplished.

And by this honouring ourselves and the dreams that we still carry inside of ourselves. That sometimes seem so big and so far away still.

They are not. They are tied to our sense of self-accomplishment and self-worth.

So let´s start by consciously improving that and by doing so, opening up to our grandest dreams.

Love to you.


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