Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.

Jun 04, 2018

Who´s the fairest of them all.

That´s how it continues in the fairytale of Snowwhite.

But we won´t be going down that rabbit hole.

I want to share with you a story and a technique that I received from a good, good friend of mine (you can check him and his wonderful work out here - but be aware it´s German only - http://devis-ashram.de/ ).

These days I was facing a challenge. A business challenge.

To bring you up to spead, in my company I am faced with a let´s call it challenging and unique CEO (it´s online, so I am chosing a polite euphemism here). 

To say everyone´s nerves are "a little" frayed before a meeting with him is the understatement of the year. 

So I wanted to find a possibility to stay centered, calm and most importantly serene. My intention was not to be provoked but stay professional and on point.

But how to do that if someone has that talent of really riling people up, pushing their buttons and getting to you?

So that´s where the Mirror-Technique comes in.

When you are faced with a situation where you want to deflect the negativity or provocation someone might send out to you - be that in  a business context or in a private one - follow these steps.

1. Take a deep breath. In and out. You want to get conscious in the moment.

2. Imagine a mirror coming up directly in front of you. You only see the back of the mirror. It´s front is directed to the person you are dealing with.

3. Observe the magic happen.


To me it felt like I only picked up on the professional questions that needed to be answered.

Colleagues later on pointed some demeaning and unfair phrases out to me.

I was surprised. I had not really heard or let´s say given any importance to them during our meeting.

They have been deflected. 

Because they had nothing to do with the topic.

They were not professional, they were of a different intent and energy that had nothing to do with me or my job, or my content that I presented.

I love this technique and how it turned out for me and I will definitely continue to use it everytime from now on.

Feel free to play around with it and make it your own experience.

Love Imke

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