Welcome to Everyday Spirituality - Connecting Worlds!

blog connectingworlds everydayspirituality welcome May 26, 2018

For quite some time I have been looking into a way of how I can share my experiences with you. 

I tried some of this, I tried some of that.

And always a different self-sabotaging program would come into my way - and block me from continuing. Step by step I worked my way through them. Maybe you know some of them they tell you...

... No you can´t possibly be doing it THAT way because it is not good enough. Not perfect enough not... whatever.. fill in your blanks ;)

... Look how this or that person is doing it- THEY have found the perfect way to do... whatever it is you´re looking at...

... you have to do it bilingual because that´s your specialty (talk about adding some extra work here, so you are really sure that you cannot possibly fit it in your schedule because you have to do the work twice obv...)

.... it has to be SPECIAL. Whatever I write has to fit certain levels of excitement and be spectacular. If it´s not it´s not worth enough (yeah, putting NO pressure on it here..)

... nobody will ever want to read it




and so on...

So this morning the idea just jumped into my head and here I am, with my morning coffee, writing this message for YOU.

What I mean to share on this blog is my life. 



This is going to serve as a way to document my experiences and share my perception of the world with you.

May it serve as a way to connect those worlds that to us often seem so far apart.

The Spirit Realm, Energy World, that that is not conceivable with our dominant senses but that which can be integrated by developing our clair-senses.

And the Business World. Company life, Company structures, systems and the strive for excellence and High Performance.

And let´s not forget our everyday life. Our routines, our families and friends. Our way of living.

For me it has always been about creating a holisitic approach. I cannot possibly sustain anything over a longer period that is singled out or is only allowed to exist in one area of my life. They are allowed to intermingle. Slowly. Growing. It´s a path. And there is no mystic elixir, or spell, or secret to any of this.

It´s the evolution of Self. With each step moving through old fears and patterns, reshaping what is me. Which has led me up to now. Becoming ever more visible. 

Learning to be okay with what is. What I am. What I strive to be. Serving in a bigger picture. 

I thank you for the time you´ve invested to read these words. Time is one of our most valuable assets that we have nowadays. And I feel honoured that you have gifted you and me with this. I wish to inspire, encourage and support you with my words and experience.

I am sending you love and blessings as you are reading these lines.


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